OWLplaces API Details

OWLplaces.com has created digital twins for the entire world and provides access to this wealth of data via a RESTful API. Ratings from 1 to 5 stars and interactive maps are available for each of the parameters listed below, adding value to websites, real estate portals, and web applications. This data allows users to assess any listed property or area of interest worldwide, providing critical information to help find the best locations for carbon absorption, to live, and to build. It also enables developers to create desktop, web, and mobile applications to easily visualize our ratings and interactive maps.

We provide following data products through our APIs:

1. Nearby vegetation (distance, quantity, and quality)
2. Nearby water (rivers, lakes, seas) (distance, quantity, and quality)
3. Points of interest (services, sports, leisure and recreation, education, food and drinks, accommodation, culture, finance, shopping, health and wellness, transportation)
4. Air quality (good to breathe areas vs air pollution sources) (distance, quantity, and quality)
5. Quietness (quiet areas vs noise sources, roads, airports, railways, industries) (distance, quantity, and quality)
6. Real solar gains (sun exposure at different times of the day, in different seasons)
7. Prevailing winds (historical data, wind speed, and direction)
8. Flood risk (historical data/events, impact of events, proximity to flood-prone regions, topography)
9. Fire risk (historical data/events, temperature, and dry vegetation)
10. Landslide risk (historical data/events, impact of events, proximity to landslide hotspots, topography, and soil type)
11. Earthquake risk (historical data/events, impact of events, proximity to earthquake hotspots, and soil type)
12. Storm risk (historical data/events, impact of events, proximity to storm hotspots)
13. Thermal comfort (urban heat islands, extreme cold/frost areas)
14. Walkability/Bikeability (pedestrian sidewalks, bike lanes, ramps, accessibility)
15. Solar panels per location
16. Solar panel yield per location
17. Wind turbine yield per location
18. Biomass yield per location
19. Crop land yield per location

With the OWLplaces API subscription, clients can design their own pack mix, choosing one or more parameters from the data products list, to get the ratings via text and / or the interactive maps, with any number of queries / property / month. There is also special pricing for bigger orders and OWLplaces offers the 1st month technical onboarding and support to integrate the products in the Client’s real estate portals, sites or other listings.

Getting Started
We advise first-time API users to contact us to prepare your roadmap and personalised onboarding. If you find any features missing or have any suggestions, please contact us via info@ourwatchleads.com.

API access to the data is protected by an API key. If at any time, you find the API key has become vulnerable, please contact us.
Authentication to the owlplaces.com API is provided by passing your API key as a request parameter through an API.
key parameter

Request URL
Request to owlplaces.com API consists of base url and API method. You can make both HTTP or HTTPS requests to our API.
Each request / query has to include API key, latitude and longitude and product definition (e.g. Air quality). Each parameter is a new request / query as per End-User Licence Agreement.
Base URL: please contact us via info@ourwatchleads.com for your personalised onboarding.